At the heart of our operations lies our United Kingdom headquarters, serving as the nerve center for our worldwide endeavors. Complementing our UK base, we've strategically positioned regional offices across the globe, each meticulously placed to optimize our operational efficiency in diverse geographic regions.

Moreover, we've diligently cultivated an expansive and intricate web of strategic partnerships that spans the globe. These invaluable alliances serve as the backbone of our global presence, offering crucial support and enriching our capabilities, ultimately propelling us to new heights in our mission to serve and reach a diverse clientele worldwide

Contact us for more information

Global Risk International (GRI) Ltd

Company Registration Number: 10052533

DUNS Number: 221630442

Monthly Intelligence Subscription

GRI provide also Intelligence Assessments, SITREPs & Analyses as a subscription service.  These "snapshot" qualitative analyses are critical for clients requiring rapid, time sensitive security requirements. These can be useful to Security Operations Centers (SOC), travel managers, critical infrastructure facilities or a current state review of larger enterprise requirements.

Send us a message through our Contact Us form to inquire.

*Global Risk International reserves the right to refuse subscriptions. By subscribing, you accept to receive emails from GRI. Emails might include invitations to GRI events, and other offers that might be relevant for you. You can unsubscribe at any time.